Sunday, August 23, 2015

While Walking in Laguna...

I came across this banner!!  How cool is that!!

This is the last week of the Festival of the Arts in Laguna...hoping you get a chance to visit!

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Check out the Studio Systems Artists & Their Work....

on the TAM website!!  This show will close on August 29th with a reception from 6 - 9 p.m.


Several TAMA members' artwork is featured in the current CA101 Exhibition in Redondo Beach!!  This show closes tomorrow, August 9, 2015.   Please head out to support our members and see this extraordinary exhibition in a very unique venue, the AES Power Plant!  Congratulations Carolyn Liesy, Hung Viet Nguyen (also showing at the TAM!), Ellen Cantor and Loraine Shue-Weber. 

Carolyn Liesy

Hung Viet Nguyen

Ellen Cantor