Sunday, August 31, 2014

Arts Council of Torrance gives a 'shout out' to both TAM & TAMA!!

Many thanks to the Arts Council of Torrance for publicizing both the TAM current exhibition and events as well as the TAMA group!

Check out their Community Arts Events eblast here

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Photos from the new exhibitions....

This is seriously an amazing amassing of some quality sculpture.  The level of intellectual and artistic ability is unreal; the artists 'explain' their work in language and ideas that really make the viewer THINK about what they are seeing.  It's fantastic!!  Come see it!!

Friday, August 29, 2014

TAM Educational Opportunity

Another Thing Coming Closing Events
Saturday, October 18, 2014
11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Join TAM for a full day of events.  Local educators will have a chance to visit TAM and learn about future education opportunities at the museum.  Afterwards, guests will have the opportunity to view the current exhibition, meet the artists and curators and listen to a panel discussion about Another Thing Coming. Youth and adults will have the opportunity to participate in a drawing activity hosted by artist Kiel Johnson in collaboration with The Big Draw L.A.
Educators Meeting: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Another Thing Coming Closing Reception: 1p.m. to 2 p.m.
Another Thing Coming Panel Discussion: 2 – 4 p.m.
Big Draw L.A. Drawing Event hosted by Artist Kiel Johnson: ongoing, throughout the day.

Check out former TAM Curator Jason Ramos' take on 'Another Thing Coming'

AMAZING!  Click here to read....


Weezy!!  We're movin' on up!!  LA Times shout out for the new TAM exhibition...let your friends, family and neighbors know about the TAM and encourage them to join TAMA to help continue to elevate the arts experience here in Torrance.

Friday, August 22, 2014

TAM Newsletter

Follow this link to the most current TAM newsletter.  Check out their super awesome new website for more information on the new exhibitions opening Saturday, August 23rd.  The General Public is invited to the Opening Reception from 6 - 9 p.m. however TAMA members can arrive an hour earlier to tour the exhibits and chat with curators and artists who are available.  Not a member yet?  It's never too late to join!  See you there!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Member Walk Through - Friday, August 22nd @ 2 p.m.

TAMA Members!!

As part of your TAMA Benefits you are invited to participate in the curator-led exhibition walk through the day before the opening of the new show on Friday, August 22, 2014 @ 2 p.m. at the TAM.

Also, the NEW TAM WEBSITE is up and it is glorious!  Huge kudos to Curator Chris Reynolds for his work on the site!!  It's beautiful and really shows off what the TAM is all about.  Soon the TAMA page on the site will be expanded, but for now there is a link to our web site so if you have friends, family, casual acquaintances or strangers you meet in the supermarket, encourage them to check us out and join!!

We had a VERY successful meeting with the new Torrance Mayor Pat Furey and we've begun the process of getting some new signage to help those artistic wanderers find the TAM!!  Keep an eye out for it soon.

Thanks again for all of your support!  We have 25 members as of this writing and we hope to double that by the end of the calendar year!  THANK YOU!!!!

Saturday, August 9, 2014


TAMA Members: Be sure to pick up your name badge & complimentary drink ticket for tonight's special ONE NIGHT ONLY exhibition showcasing some outstanding artwork!!  Click here for more info. 

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

RSVP for Saturday August 23, 6 - 9 p.m. from our website!!

Hello TAMA Members! 

We hope you will plan to attend the next exhibition opening on Saturday, August 23rd as the TAM brings some truly extraordinary sculpture to Torrance!   Gallery Two will continue showing international work, this time from Paris. 

Please visit our website to RSVP for the Members Only Reception, which will be held from 5 - 6 p.m.  Because we are still working on increasing our numbers, this event will be supported by the TAM curatorial staff as long as we have a significant (10 or more) members attending.  Evites going out soon.

So spread the word!!  There's plenty of time to become a member.  We will be accepting memberships at the MAS ATTACK event on August 9th as well.


Monday, August 4, 2014

TAMA Membership Payment options...

We are having some issues unfortunately with PayPal so for the time being we are accepting payments for memberships either by check mailed to:  TAMA  PO Box 354, Torrance, CA 90507 or by dropping off a check at the TAM.  Sorry for the inconvenience.  We hope to have the PayPal option for both membership processing and donations working very soon...